Curing My Eyelid Eczema

Finding a Cure For My Eyelid Eczema

Day Fourteen – Feeling Human Again

eyelid eczema

Day 14 – January 21, 2009

Yesterday I spent the morning watching the 2009 Inauguration and then spent the rest of the day in face-to-face appointments. I was feeling borderline human. However, by the end of the evening, I was starting to feel a bit more puffy and red, so I just went to bed early.

… Today I feel even MORE human. My eyes are a lot less bloodshot, and I have had to put less Aquafor lotion on my face throughout the day. As you can see from the picture, I am WAAAAY less red and puffy. And the Eucerin Aquafor has helped smooth out my skin – removing all the cracks and flaky crap. My face is still a little discolored/blotchy, but much, much better.

I am sticking to my pseudo-Macrobiotic diet: rice and rice products, water, baked chicken and fish and steamed veggies. I am also sticking to the Prednisone regiment prescribed by my doctor. I am in the process of slowly tapering off the dosage until I am completelty off of it … and completely healed.

<(^^,)> … Today I feel happy.

January 21, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Dear Mariana,

    I found your journal while searching for eyelid cream for eczema. About a month ago I started to get dry itchy eyelids, not severe but I’m worried it will get worse. I’ve had eczema for about 20 years mainly on my feet but never on my face until now. After 20 years, several dermatologists, every ointment and cream under the sun, fasting, natural “remedies” and prescription cortisones, etc. the only thing that really helped me was an Elimination Diet as suggested by an Allergist. Try to find an Allergist or Nathuropathic Doctor that believes in FOOD INTOLERANCE (or do it on your own) Every Dermatologist I’ve seen has dismissed this ( and none has ever asked me about my diet!) Basically you eliminate the most common foods that cause food intolerance (dairy, wheat, eggs, corn, soy, and anything you suspect) for 3 weeks. Then you add each food back into your diet one at a time for up to 3 days to see if there is a reaction.This is not as easy as it sounds because most of these ingredients are in almost all packaged foods. You have to be very careful, read all labels, keep a food diary and be very diligent. For me it paid off. Let me just say that after 15 years of ECZEMA HELL on my feet, within that 3 weeks the eczema was almost gone. It was dramatic and totally convincing. I said almost, but it was like the difference between having poison ivy all over to having 1 mosquito bite!
    Sorry this is so long but I wanted to tell you about this and also warn you about the Prednisone that the doctor may not have let you in on. I haven’t seen a posting in your journal for some days so I’m assuming you feel much better. With the Prednisone your skin will clear up like magic and you will feel great emotionally too. I remember it well, my skin felt new, I had tons of energy, I felt “high”. WOW! I thought this stuff was great. Sorry to sound like a bummer but within 3 months it came back – WORSE. I took the Predisone on and off for 2 years but in the long run it actually made my eczema worse and each time the drug loses it’s effectiveness.

    I think you are on the right track with the fish oil and healthier diet and I hope you look into the Food Intolerance theory. Also there is a good website called TALKECZEMA.COM , it’s like a support group for eczema sufferers with different stories and advice. But as I’m sure you are discovering eczema is still a mystery and different for every person. So if you see people saying that diary is the cause or wheat or corn (my intolerance) that is just their body that can’t tolerate that particular food, it’s different for everybody.

    I hope you are feeling better and find something that works for you. If you find any kind of cream or ointment that helps your eyelids please post that on your site. I’m afraid to try too many things on my eyelids for fear of making it worse. The only thing that I feel safe using is just basic eye ointment for severe dry eye and cleansing with Cetaphil cleanser. Please feel free to email me about the Food Intolerance Diet or my experience with eczema. I understand the frustration, the itching, stinging and the PAIN. And then you have the additional torture of having it your face, I just can’t imagine that. Not many people understand that this is physically and emotionally painful. My heart goes out to you. Please take care and keep us posted on your condition!

    Comment by Valerie | January 28, 2009 | Reply

  2. Valerie – Thank you SO MUCH for your comment! I believe that eczema is one way that your body can tell you that it is unhappy. The Prednisone will help the symptoms but the KEY is to fix the underlying problem … allergies, diet and lifestyle.

    I will check out your link and keep you posted!

    Thanks again!!

    Comment by Mariana | January 28, 2009 | Reply

  3. I’ve had eczema all my life but more recently on my eyelids. A couple of things. Stress is a huge trigger for me, aside from seasonal allergies. Also, after the acute outbreak goes away, the skin is so dry and irritated and flaky it takes awhile to heal. I’ve been putting aquaphor on it for a couple of years and it has worked well. I recently tried straight up olive oil because the aquaphor wasn’t even working to soften the skin. Well, the olive oil has worked wonders. My eyelids are almost back to normal and my eyes look a ton better. I’m sticking with EVO for awhile to see how it works in the long run.

    Comment by Madeline | February 2, 2009 | Reply

    • Hi Madeline – Thank you for your comment and for the olive oil idea. I will try it!

      Comment by Mariana | February 2, 2009 | Reply

  4. I will try the EVO, too! Thanks for documenting your journey to healing. I was SO hoping it was without the drugs…I’m finally caving in to go to an allergist. My hand is beet red and painful and itchy….and I’m starting to get weird skin on my eyelids – YIKES – and have some weird spots along the hairline, which psoriasis soap seems to help somewhat. I had E as a kid and didn’t really have more than a tiny patch or two in adulthood – until NOW. I eat super clean (Paleo, all organic) lots of chia and hemp seed and coconut oil. I’m surprised you said that tomato juice can help E….tomatos are one of the known allergens and I have a sneaking suspicion that they caused my hand to freak out and go all red and scaly and painful and itchy. I have a lovely heirloom tomato garden and I have noticed that touching the plants makes my skin itch!!!!! Will stop touching/eating tomatos and see what happens! I do not eat dairy or sugar or any grains at all since all of those things can be allergens. (Sigh) please wish me well.

    Comment by Sarah | July 31, 2012 | Reply

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